Free Guide to Making New Year’s
Goals and Keeping to Them.

As the new year begins, it’s a good time to reflect and look back things that happened in the previous year and think about what you would like to accomplish in the coming year.

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Young traveler with backpack standing on the big stones on the mountain and observing locality

What does a New Year's
resolution look like?

"If [a person] were able to survey at a glance all he has done in the course of his life, what would he feel? He would be terrified at the extent of his own power."

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

What is inside?

1. Take a couple of moments to answer each of the questions below. Utilize these question to reflect on the past year and set realistic goals for the coming year.

2. When setting goals it is useful to utilize the SMART goals method.

SMART goals (an acronym for the 5 steps of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based goals)

SMARTalks - New Years Download

Looking to The Future and set yourself up for success. 

Download our free guide for making your New Year’s goals and keeping to them today!

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