By Nick Leininger
Most Nazi’s wish they had eyes like me
Green with envyThe alt-Reich is feeling blueThey don’t see what I seeThings aren’t always what they seemAn equal fare can never be fairFair skin doesn’t change a person’s worthHere’s a penny for your thoughtsHate isn’t for the faint of heart, it’s for the heartlessThe karmic Ferris wheel turns at the pace of its passengersI ask God for peace but am by no means a pacifistI only implement my creative violence in self-defenseBuild the fence so we can knock it downThe pen is mightier than the sword, luckily I’m proficient with bothMy mother prayed for me to look whiteBecause those of the darker shade are preyed uponI want my kids to look ambiguousThat way no-one will ever know where they’re “from”Most Nazi’s wish they had eyes like meI see them for the cowards they really are