בדבוק חברים – closeness with colleagues.
One of the commentaries on Pirkei Avot interprets this renders careful choice of friends. (Emunas Shmuel)
In order to successfully study and internalize Torah, one must surround oneself with friends of good character and intellectual clarity, who are both good-hearted and perform good deeds.
- The Maharal, Rabbi Judah Loew (between 1512 and 1526? – 17 September 1609), notes that friendship is essential to Torah knowledge since the gift of Torah is not accessible to individuals; only the nation as a whole can receive God’s greatest gift.
- Friendship is the way to build bridges to others and turn many individuals into a united nation.
5 Steps Toward More Meaningful Friendships (Click Here)
- Make the effort.
- Ask for your friends’ perspectives.
- Plan around shared interests.
- Make new friends.
- Prioritize work and friendships. set ambitious career goals, but don’t sacrifice close ties in the process; give each one the energy required.
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