17.2 My alarm clock

Snoozing has been the talk of the town lately; with new research showing that excessive snoozing actually slows down your day! Even before, one of the most common American idioms has been “you snooze, you lose,” creating a connection between laziness and missed opportunities. Is it possible that this is just another modern concept born…

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17.5 Sleep and Shabbat

#Shabbat, the built in Jewish Sleep Moderator. 24 hours a week dedicated to resting, and relaxing with family. Disconnect from work and tech, connect with your soul and your health. Cred: Yo Amo A Israel

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17.4 – Sleep and Meditation

Ancient practice is to start the day with words of gratitude for awakening from slumber, the #ModehAni prayer, to set your intentions for a productive day! Do you ever wake up and meditate like this? Cred: Te Sobe

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