Ever considered that laughter is more than just a medicine, but actually a tool? Be proactive, with jokes, smiles, and light-hearted fun.
Last week, we focused on conversation as a tool… this week we’re getting even more specific, by exploring what Jewish Wisdom prescribes as using laughter and light hearted approaches to find favor, in professional and personal settings.
Though professional settings always have a serious vibe, and the lines between professional and not are often very clear and stark, there is still space for embracing your intuition. In the same vein as last week’s theme, this week we’ll explore how to turn on your emotional intelligence to recognize when a light joke, a change in tone, or diffusing an issue through a funny distraction can actually be a tool to build your reliability, communication and reputation in the work place. While laughter is the best medicine when used reactively, Jewish teachings spell out that laughter also has the potential of being the best tool, proactively. Of course as always, balance, critical thinking, and finding the line between light-hearded and being the office clown are key. Follow along this week for examples and ideas about how to use laughter, to get ahead.